
Natalie's Story

" My coaching experience with Joy has now come to an end in June 2024 and I can confidently say this is one of the best investments I have made in myself so far in my life. I spent the last 6 years of my life going from one SP to another, never feeling satisfied in the relationship aspect of my life and now I am happy to say that I am cured of my anxious attachment."

Sami's Story

"In the past I have worked with three other manifestation coaches but NEVER got any life changing results like I did with Joy. Joy knows how to keep it real and will shine the light on those limiting beliefs that you kept buried in the dark for so long"

Andrea's story

"Joy doesn’t sell you quick fixes. She also doesn’t tell you to do a billion techniques all day. But she does guide you through your journey by making it ALL ABOUT YOU. I have been super anxious along my manifestation journey constantly thinking I have to do techniques all day but after my time with Joy, I feel way more peace in my day to day life which is huge for me."


This mentorship has helped me enormously with my manifestation journey. It helped me to identify my limiting beliefs and understand how to stop to absorb and identify with my old thoughts and emotions. By doing this work, I was able for the first time to enter the end state, which is amazing! As a consequence, I started seeing movement in the 3D (my sp and the 3p broke up and my sp started texting me again). The mentorship was also very helpful for understanding how to stop spiraling into the old patterns during the bad moments. I honestly wish I started this mentorship sooner, I wasted so much time trying to figure out things on my own by watching and reading too much random manifestation content from way too many different sources. Joy you are the most loving person and amazing coach. Joy made this experience extremely pleasant, she made me feel comfortable talking about very personal circumstances and all the information she provides is explained in a very simple way that doesn’t leave room for doubts or misinterpretation. She’s super responsive and put a lot of effort in every email, she’s lovely during the calls and made those times a very fun experience as well!

Jerine Nicole

Working with Joy was such a pleasure. I came to her because I was struggling to show up online and be myself. And through her program, I learned to trust in myself which led to that confidence I needed. I’ve worked with many coaches before but her coaching style and approach is so different. There were no “things to do” like affirmations or EFT tapping or journalling prompts (unless you needed them). Instead, she really lets you take the lead in your life, and implicitly makes you empowered to take action. She trusts that you can figure things out on your own, but if you do end up support, she’s right there. I did a lot of mini-experiments when it comes to showing up online applying the things we talk about. And because so many things were coming up like self-doubt, I was able to work through them with her as I tackled different challenges. In the end, I actually see myself as someone who can achieve things, which is what I struggled with in the beginning.


This type of mentorship isn’t very common within my circle of friends so at first I was a bit doubt to join or not. But there’s a nudge within me to try this because all of her IG contents really speak to my core. I am glad that I did !! Joy share to me some tools to navigate my challenges, which is ‘ the blocked emotions’ within me , her tool is very practical, I never thought those simple tool could lead me to this breakthrough within my heart =) I can feel my emotions now !! I feel lighthearted, peace , love . Not just simple lighthearted, it’s the profound one - some block feels being pulled out from my chest so I can FEEL again. Joy is very humble and she has the capacity to mentor you back to what you actually need - your mental health and your nervous system to be in line again. I am glad out path crossed ! Thanks to Universe !

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