Sami's Story

I chose Joy because I was in a very low place in my life. My mindset was stuck on limiting beliefs around love, career, success, self concept, and spirituality. I was aware of the relationship problems I had but not anything else. I knew I needed to make a change and commit to this work cause my future depended on it.

My biggest breakthrough was realizing the truth behind my SP. Which was that we actually had a really toxic trauma bond to each other and I was using manifesting him to give my life purpose. I was stuck in this cycle for two years but working with Joy helped me break free of it. Since working with Joy I feel like a new person living a brand new life. I'm not even kidding. By removing all of my limiting beliefs and cultivating love within myself I was able to basically restart my life. Everything feels different. My nervous system is regulated, I’m not catastrophizing things, and Im moving with integrity and purpose in my day to day life. Because of our work I was able to completely, 100% detach from my toxic SP which I had never thought possible! I discovered a completely new career path and have begun studying for it. And I've even begun dating again and met someone organically in person that feels SO much better than anything I’ve experienced in years!!! In the past I have worked with three other manifestation coaches but NEVER got any life changing results like I did with Joy.

Joy knows how to keep it real and will shine the light on those limiting beliefs that you kept buried in the dark for so long. She does this while also completely supporting and comforting you throughout the process so that you still feel safe and guided to do the work that needs to be done. Ive never had an experience like this with any other coach. Working with Joy has completely altered my life. Prior to our work I was stuck in a limited mindset around love, success, spirituality, and career.

During our time together she helped me dismantle all of these old beliefs I had built up around myself so that I was able to fully see the light of truth again. I made so many realizations about my SP, why he was wrong for me, and why I was so stuck on him. Ive never seen someone in the community detach from an SP so I was very scared but Joy led me along the way with comfort and safety. I dont know where my life would have headed if I had not done that. I also recognized how I was using manifestation and spirituality as a crutch to support me in life and feel better day to day. But once this stopped working and I started to panic, Joy helped me realize that I AM the power not anything outside myself including manifestation! I had SO many major breakthroughs during our time that honestly rattled me to my core, but again Joy was there to guide me along the way the whole time.

Other than inner results I also got outer results! From conquering my limiting beliefs around career and success I was able to take the leap and begin studying for my Real Estate License, with a course that I received for free by the way! Then after releasing my SP and finally relaxing around love I was able to meet somebody naturally in person who I feel will be really good for me! Its still very new but so far so good!

I never imagined a life where I was at ease with myself mentally, physically, and spiritually. I never imagined letting go of my toxic SP. I never imagined finding a successful career thats well suited for me. But here I am, a living testimony that it IS possible to have those things. And with Joy's help I was able to get them all.

Thank you so much Joy. I'll be forever grateful 🥹🙏❤️

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