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Issue 1, May 2023

Why your circumstances truly never matter..

Now, I'm sure this isn't your first time being told this.

I'm sure you already know that your circumstances are just a reflection of your dominant beliefs and states and that they will change if YOU change.

But why do I still get caught up in the 3D then?

Because you don't truly believe it yet.

Deep down you might not even WANT to believe it because if that were true, you'd know that you hold too much responsibility over your own life.

You don't want to believe that you have that much power in your own life, being able to manifest the things you want and live how you want.

And I don't blame you because most of us have grown up thinking we are helpless to our circumstances not believing we can control or change the outcome.

There might be a small part of you that believes there's some sort of external outer force that must be controlling your reality.

But I'm here to tell you that there isn't.

It's all you. There are no external forces out there that are trying to come between you and your manifestation.

Only you. In fact I'd like you to actually spend some time truly contemplating this idea because fully accepting this idea to the core is the crux of manifestation.

No amount of evidence that you see in the 3D or posts that you read or manifestation videos that you watch can make you believe it IF YOU DON"T BELIEVE IT YOURSELF FIRST. You will just always be on the lookout for another post, another coach, another video to confirm and reassure you on what you are trying so hard to believe.

The best confirmation and validation comes from yourself. And that is all you need.

Those who dare to take the leap of faith and CHOOSE to believe in something they don't yet otherwise see with their eyes will reap the most rewards. You only live once, are you going to spend the rest of your life living in fear in the shadow of another person or circumstances that you put on a pedestal?

Your current circumstances and the reality you want to experience are equally 'real'. They are both equally valid. The only difference is that you persisted in one for long enough to see it pushed out.

If you aren't seeing evidence of your manifestation yet, it doesn't mean it's not happening. Think of it as a seed in the soil. Just because you can't see a seed in the soil does it mean it's not there? Does it mean it's non-existent or not 'real'?

In fact, your physical reality is not even 'real' because everything is a projection of your mind, your deepest thoughts, beliefs and feelings.

Even when you unintentionally manifested undesirable circumstances, that was you believing in something you did not yet see happen. You let the fear take the reins and dictate your state of being. But what we are doing now is letting FAITH take the reins from here.

If you want your manifestation you need to keep watering and nurturing your seed everyday. You MUST become greater than your your physical senses and what you can see in the 3D. There is no other way.

When you water your seed, you can't sense it at all with your 5 senses, in fact there's no way to test if it's even 'real'. It is merely an idea, a concept in your mind. Yet that certainty and knowingness that one day it will sprout is what allows it to actually sprout.

If you neglect your seed or are inconsistent in taking care of it then of course your seed is either not going to end up sprouting or will sprout slowly. Or if you dig at the dirt everyday to check if the seed is still there, that wouldn't allow it to grow either.

Remind yourself over and over again that the current circumstances are just a feedback of my internal states I was generating in the past. It's just my old thoughts, beliefs and states pushed out into the 3D.

Every time you are reacting to your circumstances, thinking about how will it possibly manifest, you are at a crossroads.

Are you going to continue reacting to this feedback and create more of it, OR are you going to choose something different for yourself because you truly understand this is just old feedback and it is futile reacting to it if I do not want it.

The choice is yours. You ALWAYS have this choice in the palm of your hands.

I know you can do this.

Your no. 1 supporter,


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