Natalie's Story

I discovered Joy’s Instagram and YouTube after my SP broke up with me in August 2023. Similar

to most people who get into LOA and manifesting, all I cared about was getting back together with my SP. I learned about the Law of Assumption years ago and had tried it out on several SPs over the years and it never worked for me. I would follow all of the steps I was told to follow which was mostly just affirming for what I wanted to see and then forgetting about it and going about my day. This always kept me in an anxious and desperate state where I focused all of my attention on the SP and then kept checking the 3D to see if my manifestation was here yet and getting frustrated when it wasn’t. I knew this time around that I couldn’t let myself go down that hole again because it would keep me miserable for the rest of my life.

I was really drawn to Joy’s approach to manifesting. She talked about how you can manifest things effortlessly by enjoying your life and not worrying about anyone else but yourself. Thiswas the total opposite of what I had seen so far in the manifestation community, and I wassuper drawn to her message. At this point I felt like I had nothing left to lose. Clearly all othermethods never worked for me, so maybe I should try the opposite approach, right?

I was skeptical at first to sign up for coaching as it was a huge money commitment, but I finally got to my “breaking point” in December 2023 when I went on a little NYC trip with my two best friends. We did so many fun things together like shopping, trying new food spots, seeing a Broadway show, and hanging out with friends who lived in the city, and the whole time the only thing I could think about was how I would’ve rather been there with my SP. I can’t even tell you what the Broadway show was about because I used that entire time to stare off into space and imagine what it would be like if my SP was there. I knew in that moment that I needed to do some serious work on myself.

At this point I didn’t even care about getting my SP back I just wanted to be able to enjoy my life again. I remember laying on the couch of a friend who let us crash at her NYC apartment for the night and that’s when I sent Joy a DM asking to be in her coaching program. We decided I would start coaching in January 2024 after the holidays and vacations were over, and that would also give me time to really think about whether or not I wanted to make that money commitment. On New Years Eve, I was sitting in my Aunt and Uncle’s house watching the ball drop (For non US folks: this is what we do on New Year’s Eve

here) and I remember counting down to midnight and I almost started crying because I realized that 2023 had been by far the worst year of my life. I spent the first half of it in a relationship with a man where I felt anxious 24/7 that he was going to dump me, and then the second half desperately trying to manifest him back. All in all, my thoughts were 80-90% on him throughout

the whole year. I knew in that moment that I had made the right decision to do coaching and I made the payment the very next day.

For context about my SP and I, when we broke up, he said that he just didn’t have feelings for me anymore and only saw me as a friend. He said he still wanted me in his life as a friend but nothing more. We had a dog together and we agreed to coparent him together, so we would have to talk everyday. We also went to the same gym and would run into each other regularly there. In January 2024, right before I started coaching with Joy, he let me know that he had a new girlfriend and things with her were getting serious. She soon joined our gym as well and I would see them there together all the time.

At the start of coaching, I was in a very low place, but I was optimistic about the process. I knew that fixing my mindset was something I was 100% capable of doing if I set my mind to it. Within our first session, Joy was able to help me identify all of the times where I had abandoned myself. I realized that I had revolved my life completely around my SP and never did anything

for me. She also helped me realize that I had always prided myself on superficial qualities about myself and I did not actually value myself for who I was. I always focused so hard on things like being pretty, being smart, being fun and exciting to be around for other people, but I never thought about the possibility of being valuable for who I was at the core. Lastly, she helped me realize that I kept asking the question “what did I do wrong to make him stop loving me?” when

the real question should’ve been, “when did I stop loving me?”

Over the course of the next few months, Joy and I worked together on putting all of my energy into learning to love life again. I finally was able to spend time with friends or even just by myself without even thinking of him. There were still things that happened in the 3D that would trigger me, but I used the tips and tricks that Joy taught me in coaching to get myself to a better state and move on with my day. I even had the first lightbulb moment throughout this whole process where I fully felt like I was a prize. This was a feeling I had never really felt before, at least not genuinely. Before, whenever I would affirm that I was the prize, I would feel it for a second and then go back to feeling miserable. This time I actually felt it like it was an obvious

fact. By the end of March 2024, I could finally say for certain that I was happy whether or not my SP and I were together. The thought of the future being unknown was starting to excite me rather than scare me.

Finally in April 2024, something clicked for me where I fully realized that nobody was above me and as a result, I stopped worrying about everything. I was simply unbothered by my SP, the 3P, people who didn’t like me, my boss who was skeptical of me over one simple work mistake, etc. THIS is when everything in my 3D started to change. My SP called me and said he broke up with the 3P and wanted to get another dog with me. My boss started being way more friendly and trusting towards me and kept telling me what a great job I was doing. People from my past who I had fall outs with randomly started texting me to apologize for everything they did wrong to me. Past love interests/SPs reached out to try to reconnect. New people started popping up randomly trying to be friends with me. The list goes on. The best part about all of this was that I

barely even cared when all of it was unfolding. I was watching my 3D unfold right in front of me as if I was just chillin’ on my couch watching a movie on my TV screen.

In May 2024, my SP and I were hanging out one day and he expressed to me that he regretted a lot of things that happened in our relationship. He opened up to me about a lot of mental health issues that he was dealing with during our relationship and said that he’s been working hard at them and hasn’t had the same issues come up in a really long time. He said if he could

go back, he would’ve done everything so much differently. I asked him if he thought if we had gotten together at a different time, it could’ve worked out and he said yes. While this was a very validating thing for me to hear, I didn’t get as excited as I thought I would’ve had you asked me how I’d react to this a few months prior. I didn’t feel like I needed his validation

anymore to make myself feel worthy because I already knew I was worthy and valuable, so hearing him say these things did not change the way I felt about myself or my situation. Had I not spent the last 5 months prior to this working with Joy, I probably would’ve used this as “motivation” that my manifestation was coming, and I would’ve focused all of my energy onto him, but instead I shrugged it off and went about my life.

My coaching experience with Joy has now come to an end in June 2024 and I can confidently say this is one of the best investments I have made in myself so far in my life. I spent the last 6 years of my life going from one SP to another, never feeling satisfied in the relationship aspect of my life and now I am happy to say that I am cured of my anxious attachment. I learned how to see myself from a totally different perspective than before, from only looking at myself as valuable for my superficial characteristics to now seeing myself for who I am at the core and loving every aspect of it. I learned how to love life again, going from constantly wishing every circumstance was different to being able to completely disconnect and have the most fun I’ve ever had regardless of who I’m with. I learned how to truly be in love with myself to the point

where I will never take someone’s rejection personally ever again. While I’m not in a committed relationship with my SP, nor do I know if I ever will be again, I am happy no matter what happens. Who knows what the future has in store for me, but no matter what it is I’m excited to see my next chapter unfold.

Thank you Joy for everything you did for me. You changed my life forever and that is the most

valuable gift I have ever received, and I will be forever grateful for you.

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