Andrea's Story

I always resonated with Joys posts on Instagram and I knew deep within me that working with her was my next step along my journey. The reason I gravitated towards her is that she didn’t promote any “quick fixes” and didn’t try and convince everyone they had to do a billion techniques all day. That’s what I thought was so unique about her work. It was more about self trust and letting go of the beliefs I had learned along the way to be able to step into the worth and valuable version that was always me to begin with.

The way she held space for me during our time together I think was the most instrumental part of our journey. It really made me look within even in the moments of discomfort and being triggered. She listened but always made it about me turning inwards. This made me really start building trust within myself to know I can handle these moments on my own and not constantly need someone else’s validation.

My biggest accomplishment with Joy has been my deep sense of CALM and peace! I have been super anxious along my manifestation journey constantly thinking I have to do techniques all day but now that I dropped that, I feel way more peace in my day to day life which is huge for me. Anxiety has been an emotional roller coaster for me this year and spiraling with my thoughts so being able to get out of that loop has been so valuable for me. I also received very short lived movement with my SP(not in the direction I would have liked) but it made me more aware of why I was holding onto certain beliefs still that I was being shown in those moments. She also showed me how easy it can be to simply make a decision to let go of unwanted beliefs and stories. I used to think it was so hard to let go and “rewire” my beliefs but honestly it’s just about making the decision over and over again.

I was considering other coaches but I had sort of gotten into this “coach hopping” routine and there had been Joy for several months. I was just too afraid to pull the trigger and completely invest. So when I started interacting with her through her DMs I knew I resonated more with her teachings. What made me choose her was her authentic, calm demeanor. And how her focus was always on just living your life without worrying about your mental diet or changing your thoughts 24/7. She has a very straightforward yet effective approach.It’s not a quick fix program to get your SP. It is a program designed to bring you back home to yourself and allow yourself to fully trust yourself again.

Working one on one with Joy this past month has been an absolute pleasure and I am so glad I had the opportunity to be a part of her program along my journey. I had known of Joy’s work through social media for quite some time and her posts always resonated with me on a deeper level. Something inside of me felt called to reach out and am so glad I did. Joy doesn’t sell you quick fixes. She also doesn’t tell you to do a billion techniques all day. But she does guide you through your journey by making it ALL ABOUT YOU. You have to be willing to delve deeper and face the fears you’ve been avoiding on this journey. She doesn’t hold your hand throughout it all, but what she does is even better. She holds space for you in such a way where you begin to start building the trust within yourself to be able to navigate difficult situations. I was in very triggered situations and sat with a lot of discomfort but Joy helped me realize how to look within to find the answers and then trust those answers.

She showed me that life with always present triggers and that’s the normal human experience, but how I am able to deal with my reactions in those instances is what will help me move forward in the future. She also showed me how easy it can be to just let go of unwanted beliefs and stories. I always thought this process was so difficult and tedious and it would take years to reprogram my mind. But in reality it’s just about making a decision over and over again to no longer believe what I don’t want to believe. And most importantly, she helped me strengthen my relationship to my inner child which has been instrumental in being able to love myself and truly accept myself. If you are wondering whether or not her program is right for you, this is your sign to go for it!

Joy is worth every penny and I am so thankful we crossed paths!

Start working with me

Let’s have coffee and start creating.

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